Izvor: HappyBSC
11.05.2020 u 18:22


Pavle Jovanović, najpoznatiji srpski i američki olimpijac u bobu ubio se pre dva dana. U svom poslednjem intervjuu Jovanović je predskazao svoju smrt!

U jeku slave, 2005. godine bio je pozitivan na doping testu na supstancu 19-norandrostenedione koju proizvodi kanadska kompanija Muscle-Tech koja je još nekoliko čuvenih sportista zavila u crno.

Ova kompanija proizvodila je suplement koji su koristili vrhunski sportisti, a nije im dala upozorenje da je zabranjen. 

Pavle Jovanović, koji je bio na vrhuncu karijere, dobio je dvogodišnju zabranu bavljenja sportom što je značilo početak kraja njegove do tada fantastične karijere.

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Pav, I can’t believe another one of these needs to be written. I can’t believe it’s you I’m writing this about. My personal legend – the athlete that set the standard for focus, dedication, meticulousness, and drive – tragically took his own life at the age of 43. You won’t have to keep going to the line with that hamstring torn in half anymore, buddy. We’ll make sure your brother, your sister, & your parents know the person and athlete you were. @TeamUSA’s Pavle Jovanovic (‘77-‘20) for 6 years was the best bobsledder on the planet and I wanted to be just like him. We did everything together – from sushi in Calgary to poker in Innsbruck to wind tunnels in Maryland and too many World Cup medals to count all over the world. Together with @billschuffenhauer, B-Rock, Hays or Holcy & our coach @fingermash, we were unstoppable. When Pav was removed from the ‘02 Olympic Team by USADA & CAS, I benefitted. That guilt laid with me until Pav became my roommate, teammate, and for quite some time, my best friend. He alleviated me of the guilt, even as he fought in lawsuits (and won) to clear his name. But he buried it deep and put it on himself. Then we went to the ’06 @olympics, together. Pav was the best teammate anyone ever had. He knew your success would mean his success. He taught me that. He taught me to care about my teammates’ sleep, nutrition, therapy, & work ethic in the gym and behind closed doors just as much as I cared about my own. He taught me about the need for being mentally healthy – not for life, but for athletic success. And that may have been part of his downfall. What happens when the person who is best known as being 150% focused or nothing– finds the nothing becoming what they become 150% focused on? In the last era without social media to show everyone how hard you were working; when the only time an outsider understood the work you put in was when you crossed the line on raceday – Pavle was King. He WAS the standard. Today we mourn the second bobsled Olympian in the last three years. Today I mourn the second of the six men I competed at the Olympics for my country with to be laid to rest too soon. ‘Bro’, that’s a problem.

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Olimpijac je tužio kompaniju ali karijeru više nije uspeo da povrati. U depresiji, godinama se borio sa demonima i pokušavao dokazati pravdu!

Nakon dugogodišnje borbe, pre dva dana je odlučio da sebi oduzme život!

– Ogorčen sam, više nikad nisam uzeo ni vitamin, a to mi je uništilo karijeru i život, rekao je Jovanović u svom poslednjem intervjuu za Njujork tajms.

Svet boba i Olimpijskih igara je na tragičan način izgubio jednog od najboljih!


Gledajte “Happy” kablovske kanale i to: “Moje happy društvo”, “Moj happy život”, “Moja happy zemlja” i “Moja happy muzika”.

Program se emituje kod kablovskih operatera “IrisTV” i “Supernova”, a možete ih pronaći na sledećim kanalima: “Moje happy društvo” - IrisTV / 171 ; Supernova / 71 | “Moj happy život” - IrisTV / 172 ; Supernova / 72 | “Moja happy zemlja” - IrisTV / 173 ; Supernova / 73 | “Moja happy muzika” - IrisTV / 174 ; Supernova / 74

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