Izvor: happyBSC
09.11.2020 u 19:08

FOTOŠOP ILI STVARNOST Crveno jezero u Kini koje vuče mnogobrojne misterije (FOTO)

Leksiaguo je jedna od onih lokacija na Zemlji za koju je teško verovati da uopšte i postoji, a na internetu se neko vreme čak i raspravljalo o tome da li su sve slike koje prikazuju ovaj očaravajući krajolik nastale u Fotošopu.

Iako ga nećete pronaći na turističkim mapama zbog svoje udaljenosti i neprostupačnosti, Leksiaguo postoji i svakodnevno oduzima dah svima koji se odluče na daleki put u južnu Kinu.

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Red Beach, located in Panjin, China It is famous for its striking red color, which is caused by red plants from the Marevy family. In this area, there is one of the most complex ecosystems in the world and the largest wetlands, which are home to more than 260 species of birds and about 400 species of wild animals. The soil on the Red Beach is clay and wet, so for the convenience of tourists on the red beaches wooden floorings with high legs and viewing platforms are laid How to get there The starting point for Red Beach is Panjin City, which is most convenient to get from Beijing by night train Or you can start your journey from Shenyang, reaching Panjin by high-speed train, the travel time will be 1.5 hours ⌚ It’s not so easy to get to Red Beach itself by public transport The fact is that it is divided into two zones, each of which needs its own ticket ️ The distance between these zones is very large. The bus will take you only to the park entrance, but an impressive distance from the entrance to the red beach, it’s impossible to walk on foot. Most likely, private traders will offer you their services in tuk-tuk, but they are not always there The easiest way to look at Red Beach is to take a one-day tour at local Panjing or Shenyang travel agencies. Or rent a taxi for a day, do not take money for a taxi to the park, and the driver will show you the most scenic places

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Leksiaguo, što  znači „mesto gde se nalaze lepe boje“, se nalazi na severoistoku Kunminga, glavnog grada pokrajine Junan koja je poznata po prirodnim lepotama i neobičnoj boji zemlje.

Osnovna boja zemlje u Leksiaguu obojena je oksidiranim gvožđem, a razni mineralni i prljavština stvaraju dodatne smeđaste i tamno crvene šare. Ipak, to nije jedina stvar koja ovu lokaciju čini posebnom.

Crvena površina Leksiagua je plodno zemljište na kojem se nalazi mnoštvo manjih i većih nepovezanih farmi koje sa svojim bojama stvaraju savršene uzorke zbog kojih celi krajolik, kada se posmatra iz daljine, izgleda kao gigantsko slikarsko patno.


Gledajte “Happy” kablovske kanale i to: “Moje happy društvo”, “Moj happy život”, “Moja happy zemlja” i “Moja happy muzika”.

Program se emituje kod kablovskih operatera “IrisTV” i “Supernova”, a možete ih pronaći na sledećim kanalima: “Moje happy društvo” - IrisTV / 171 ; Supernova / 71 | “Moj happy život” - IrisTV / 172 ; Supernova / 72 | “Moja happy zemlja” - IrisTV / 173 ; Supernova / 73 | “Moja happy muzika” - IrisTV / 174 ; Supernova / 74

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